A new (uncertain/ exciting) phase begins…: life begins as a freelancer

samfloy~25 March 2017 /Personal

So I’ve now officially finished my initial project at Pezesha after two months in Kenya.

This means that I’m now in an (optimistic) state of unemployment a.k.a. “a freelance consultant” whereby I need to start convincing companies that it’s worth their while to hire me for what I can do for them.

I’ll update once I’ve signed a contract, but for now, I’ve got a few leads on what I can do, including some further work for Pezesha a little down the line.

We shall see how it all pans out…

In other news…

Today I’m off to a Kenyan wedding. One of the developers at Pezesha is tying the knot and so we’re all going along to celebrate.

On Sunday, one of my best friends is in Kenya and so we’re off to a coastal island that has no cars on it. Apparently the only way to get around is by donkey. I will, of course, update on whether that is actually true…

This post originally featured in the newsletter I write. If you’d like to sign up to receive it at the start of each month, you can do so below: