As you might have seen, I have a bit of thing about business in East Africa.
Since deciding to relocate to the region last year in order to set up a business I’ve found myself learning as much about the region as possible, and taken enjoyment in distilling the many complex moving parts into a narrative which I can comprehend and communicate.
On a recent trip back to London, I looked at how I could share this with others.
A talk
Whilst one way in which to achieve a one-to-many communication dynamic is through a podcast, I thought I’d take the opportunity of being back in London to share what I’ve learned in person.
It was unclear if anyone would be interested in hearing about this part of the world, but after writing up a hypothetical event description I got some interest from a few event spaces who said they’d be keen to host.
Huckletree (a co-working space near Old Street) and I were able to co-ordinate a date and time, and after publishing on Eventbrite, it was there for people to sign up to.
It’s always a bit speculative having people sign up for an event, but come Tuesday evening the auditorium was full, with a good atmosphere.
The demographic breakdown from my informal survey was:
- Work in London relates to EA: 30%
- Family ties in EA: 20%
- Generally interested in business: 20%
- Friends: 30%
and at the end of the 40 minute presentation, there was a lot of interest in asking questions.
Listen to the talk
I recorded the talk, and have also shared the slides from the presentation, so you can see the pictures.
Listen now
You can click play below, and it’ll play in your browser:
Listen via podcast
If you’d like to listen when away from your computer/ internet connection then you can search for The East Africa Business Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Here are the slides, in case they’re interesting too
To wrap up, this post is mainly to serve as an update of what I’ve learnt over the past year, and to share a way to listen to the key lessons in an audio format.
For a more in-depth look at some lessons for particular industries you can look to:
Since returning to Kenya my Kenyan friends have said they enjoyed the talk, and that it was accurate (you never know how an outsider’s perspective will be taken) and so I hope, if you’re interested in the region too, you find it of value.