How to be an engaging podcast guest

Editor~16 February 2023 /Business

Being invited onto a podcast is a great opportunity to share your ideas with a relevant audience who actually want to listen. 

Doing some preparation beforehand will ensure you make the most of the interview. “Preparation” does not mean slavishly following a predefined script – it means setting yourself up to give listeners a great audio experience, and hence more reason to engage with you further.

If you’re reading this in the days (hours!) coming up to your interview, also feel free to share How to be an effective podcast host with your interviewer.

#1 Speak in stories

Humans are hardwired to enjoy stories. 

The best stories make people feel like they are part of the action taking place. They become compelled to know what happens next, and end up hanging on your every word.  

The simple outline of stories (used by Pixar) is:

In practice, if the host asks something like “What was the moment you knew X was going to succeed?” try and formulate your answer to fit a story outline. 

E.g. “Up until this point we’d been struggling to get orders. Every day we’d come to the office and think ‘when is this going to take off – should we just give up?’. Suddenly X came in and said we’d been featured in the New York Times. Within hours, we started getting phone calls from other journalists wanting to write about us. As a result, the website started getting inundated with enquiries and within two weeks we’d sold out of stock. When I had to start apologising to customers that there’d be a delay because we’d sold out already… that’s when I knew we were on to something.”

#2 Prepare anecdotes

Assuming the host shares an outline of what questions will be asked in the interview you can set up three or four good anecdotes to share with the audience. 

Even if they don’t, you can think of some anecdotes that convey the message you want to say.

Good anecdotes give people insights beyond what they were expecting. They give rich detail through a relatable example.

For example, if answering the question “What are characteristics you look for when hiring for a new role?” you can expand on “Curiosity” by talking about some of the things a recent hire did so brilliantly, and what impact her work had on you and the team.

Often good anecdotes can be used in response to different questions so having a few good ones in your arsenal means you can use them throughout the interview. 

#3 Avoid technical difficulties

It’s basic, but important. 

You don’t want to go to all the work of having great things to say and then have listeners tune out because the audio is crappy.

The short version if doing an online interview is:

You can see the preparation document we send guests here.

Other things to prepare

Beyond these three important aspects there are other smaller tips you can incorporate into your experience being a guest on a show.

Before the interview

During the interview

If you’re doing an online interview, consider putting a post-it note on your screen that says “Breathe and smile :)”

End of the interview

After the interview

I hope you found this article useful. If there are any tips you’d like to add please share them in the comments below!