22 February 2023

Our all-in-one marketing solution for high-value service companies

Books like “Zero to One” that talk about creating your own business category always struck me as interesting, but not applicable for the type of company I wanted to run.  However, I’ve come to change my mind. Everyone (in my online bubble) talks about the need to “go niche”: focus on a particular subset of […]

16 February 2023

How to be an engaging podcast guest

Being invited onto a podcast is a great opportunity to share your ideas with a relevant audience who actually want to listen.  Doing some preparation beforehand will ensure you make the most of the interview. “Preparation” does not mean slavishly following a predefined script – it means setting yourself up to give listeners a great […]

7 February 2023

Letting go of how

In the beginning… I started Cofruition on my own.  At the beginning I would essentially do all of the roles in the company (apart from the audio editing) which meant I was often switching between tasks. We didn’t have much cash coming in, and so the trade off was my time. This was always a […]

2 February 2023

How to be an engaging podcast host

Once a great guest has agreed to appear on your podcast the fun begins to ensure you both get the most out of the experience.  Here we go through practical things you, as the host, can do to make sure you get the best insights and audio from your guest which will keep your listeners […]