Nairobi Terror Attack Update

samfloy~16 January 2019 /Personal

In case you haven’t seen there’s been a fairly major attack on a Nairobi hotel, with al-Shabaab claiming responsibility.

Exactly what happened is still being confirmed, but there was an initial explosion, and then reports of gunfire. More details as the story emerges here:

Thankfully myself, and immediate friends are safe.

The hotel complex also contains commercial buildings, which house offices. One friend in particular who works there miraculously decided to work from home today and says that, beyond trauma, none of his colleagues have been injured.

Another friend at an office nearby heard the initial explosion and then had US Marines secure their offices in the immediate aftermath.

Personally I was on a plane whilst this all happened, and so it was only once I checked my phone at baggage reclaim that a flurry of messages and updates from various Whatsapp groups came through.

Thanks for all the messages from people who have seen the news – if there’s anything else major to update, I will let you know.

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